Janie M. Oglesby

Four legged beige ceramic stand supporting ~12" blue ceramic globe with small decorative details + Enlarge
Globe Stand 2021 Stoneware 33 x 11 x 11
Bisque ceramic slab with two poles, one with a wheel on top, and the other side broken. The broken piece- a hand crank- lays on the slab in the center + Enlarge
Relic 2021 Stoneware 14 x 26 x 5
Black, blue, yellow, and red earthenware satellite sculpture; Bright Green and Orange satellite sculptures; bright green and purple satellite sculpture + Enlarge
Satellites 01 2021 Earthenware 15 x 6 x 6
Black, blue, yellow, and red earthenware satellite sculpture; Bright Green and Orange satellite sculptures; bright green and purple satellite sculpture + Enlarge
Satellites 02 2021 Earthenware 15 x 6 x 6
Black, blue, yellow, and red earthenware satellite sculpture; Bright Green and Orange satellite sculptures; bright green and purple satellite sculpture + Enlarge
Satellites 03 2021 Earthenware janiemoglesby@gmail.com
Large (wall sized) painting of two infrared figures on one side, and three stylistic figures on the other + Enlarge
Scope 01 2022 Acrylic and found materials on canvas 72 x 108 x 0
Large (wall sized) painting of two infrared figures on one side, and three stylistic figures on the other + Enlarge
Scope 02 2022 Acrylic and found materials on canvas 72 x 108 x 0
Earthenware sculpture of UFO crash; Green and Black flying saucer earthenware sculpture with abduction rays + Enlarge
Saucers 01 2022 Earthenware 8 x 7 x 7
Earthenware sculpture of UFO crash; Green and Black flying saucer earthenware sculpture with abduction rays + Enlarge
Saucers 02 2022 Earthenware 8 x 7 x 7

My work investigates the otherworldly and unknown aspects of our universe, specifically regarding UFOs, that my family and I have personally witnessed. Using neon colors that represent the intensity of the moment, science fiction imagery, and kinetic movement, my paintings and sculptures replicate what many people would argue as unbelievable events. These visual encounters then become an opportunity for the viewer to also experience this mind-blowing phenomena. I incorporate research from the British National Archives, which suspended the collection of UFO reports in 2008 and released all previous reports of sightings they received from civilians. I weave these repeated sightings with my own, and through these recurrences, I provoke the viewer's imagination to make them question the skepticism surrounding flying saucers. Furthermore, the work is a way for me to investigate the invisible connections formed between people who have witnessed the same unidentified phenomena, either at the same time or on different occasions. Might they have something in common other than a shared visual memory? Is it a coincidence that certain people and families experience multiple sightings in one lifetime, or are they some sort of target?

Painting (BFA) Students