
I am interested in how human beings interact with and affect our environment through the power of biology, technology and design. Experiences within our world shape us and we then shape our world.

Experience: documenting/surveilling and sharing.
Recording Video/Sound
Titling - Documenting
Memory: associative constructions, degradation and loss
Commute Video / Painting and Prints
Metaphor of loss through technological means
Time: refrain, ephemeral, now
Video Projection
Titling - speaking to the moment of the experience and presence
Relationship: Human to world (environment)
Plastics and Symbols - Relationship to Language

Evidence of the impact of these upon our ecologies and upon us as social beings.

“How to begin when, after all, there is no pure or somehow originary state for affect? Affect arises in the midst of inbetween-ness: in the capacities to act and be acted upon. Affect is an impingement or extrusion of a momentary or sometimes more sustained state of relation as well as the passage (and duration of passage) of forces or intensities.” - “An Inventory of Shimmers”, Gregory J. Seigworth and Melissa Greg, The Affect Theory Reader.

If art at times functions like a language may there be a
Translation of movement: from perceived to static states
Presence - in time of what is happening
Material - expressions from recording

into space, time, thought, action, understanding, and meaning? The tangible and intangible and space somewhere between originary and non-originary space. Binary systems that I am unsure are sufficient.

Studio Art (Summer Low Residency MFA) Students