We are happy to get you scheduled to meet with a therapist as soon as possible. To get started, please send an email to counseling@mica.edu containing the information in the 'screening' box below. (Please DO NOT include the reason why you want to visit us, or any other private correspondence in this email.)

SCC is dedicated to promoting the psychological wellbeing of MICA students. As a result, SCC provides a broad range of high quality, relevant, and ethical services and resources to the MICA community via our PATHs model, a needs based service delivery model that allows us to develop individualized support plans for our students.

PATH Layout



We encourage you to start your mental health journey while at MICA by scheduling a screening, completing an assessment, and meeting with one of our counselors to determine the best PATH forward. Students will be able to receive same day/next day services.

(Copy and paste the list below into your MICA email and provide an answer to each)

Full Name:
Preferred Name:
Student ID:
Preferred Pronouns:
Phone Number:
Is it OK for us to text reminders to this number? (Y or N)
Date of Birth:
MICA Email:
Is it OK for us to email reminders to this email address? (Y or N)
Campus or Local Address (with room number for a dorm or apt. number for off-campus, if in bldg):
Local/On-Campus Emergency Contact (Name and Number):
Days and Times Available (for all 5 days Mon.-Fri.):

***Remember, only the student who will be requesting counseling services should take the first-step of scheduling an appointment.***