20 posters hung up on the wall following a grid system + Enlarge
Posters #1 2023 Print 8.5”x11”
two spread-out zines featuring very gendered things + Enlarge
Zine 2023 Print 16.25”x4”
20 posters hung up on the wall following a grid system + Enlarge
Posters #2 2023 Print 8.5”x11”
20 posters hung up on the wall following a grid system + Enlarge
Posters #3 2023 Print 8.5”x11”
+ Enlarge
Zine #2 2023 Print 16.25”x4”
a gif showing 20 posters individually + Enlarge
Poster Mockup 2023 Print

As a social construct, gender is a set of rigid rules and expectations imposed upon us from an early age. Practically everything ranging from toys, colors to clothes is assigned a gender. However, children whose expressions do not fall in line with the binary gender system are confronted with enormous pressure, wide-spread mistreatment and harsh condemnation. This project collected gender-biased language and gender-specific objects, both of which help perpetuate gender stereotypes in society, and curated the content in alphabetical order. Through the use of satirical words and visual language, the design aims to draw wider attention to the problem and potentially shift the public perception of traditional gender roles.