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Safety Net Shortfalls: Exploring the Gaps and Challenges in Our Country's Safety Net Program 2024
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poverty guidelines over time visual 2024
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customer experience visual 2024
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gray area 2024
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living wage 2024
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overall spend 2024
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poverty wage 2024

Capstone Presentation - Katie Vernoy 2024

The Safety Net Shortfalls Capstone project is an interactive web story which explores the challenges people face in accessing funds and benefits through the United States social safety net system. The safety net programs provide critical support to individuals during times of economic hardship. While we have made great strides over the last century to create programs that help our most vulnerable populations, the system itself carries with it a complexity that makes it difficult for individuals to access the benefits. Beyond exploring the challenges and complexities, this project poses the question: Are there more effective ways to support our neighbors, friends, and family in times of crisis?