MPS Capstones

These projects represent the pinnacle of the master's program, integrating each of the topics discussed throughout the curriculum and applying these skills in a culminating project of their choice and design.

UX Design Capstone
As the final course in the UXD program, Capstone requires each student to create a final portfolio containing a thesis project from concept to a fully realized prototype. Using research and materials developed over the course of the program, students work with a faculty advisor for guidance and critique during project development.

Business of Art and Design Capstone

The Capstone project guides students through the process of creating their thesis business plan and investor pitch deck. Students' business plans will be a comprehensive document for their business concept, growth, or diversification plan. Students will also prepare an investor pitch deck for potential investors or funders that provides an overview.

Data Analytics and Visualization Capstone

The DAV Capstone Project allows students to conclude the MPS degree by completing a project of their own design on a topic of their choosing. The project is interdisciplinary in approach and reflects a unique interest of the student. This project provides the opportunity for the student to demonstrate the concepts and knowledge learned throughout the program.