*Summer 2023 Capstone Winner-Carnette Urayan

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Project MHEG: A Mental Health Education Gaming tool 2023

Capstone Report Presentation pdf 2023
Carnette Urayan Capstone Demo 2023

Mental health is seen as a taboo topic within the Asian community. Factors such as the lack of financial resources, health care, limited ethnic-specific or culturally anchored mental health services, and cultural stigmas surrounding mental health can cause hesitancy in seeking formal health care among individuals in the Asian-American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. This is a problem because many young adults within the AAPI community can feel isolated in their struggles with mental health.


Project MHEG is a Mental Health Education Gaming tool designed to assist AAPI young adults with increasing their mental health literacy by learning more about how to navigate cultural barriers surrounding mental health, become part of a healing community, and play relatable short stories through a cultural lens.

UX Design (MPS) Students