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One Small Step 2023
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One Small Step - Active Engagement 2023
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One Small Step - Challenge 2023
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One Small Step - Inform & Educate 2023
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One Small Step - Problem 2023

One Small Step 2023

Climate change, hunger, poverty, inequality, and more impact all people from all walks of life including future generations. I was born and raised in a country where I have seen and experienced firsthand the devastating effects of these issues and have often asked what is being done to address these issues.


I believe these global-level problems are a shared responsibility of governments, institutions, corporations, and individual citizens; however, a gap exists where the issue isn’t addressed at the micro level. This belief and my experience have inspired me to take on a project where individuals like me can help do their part and contribute to helping solve these problems, which led me to One Small Step.


One Small Step is a non-profit platform that bridges that gap by educating, challenging, and empowering people with resources to take small but achievable, impactful personal actions in helping take on some of the world’s biggest problems.

UX Design (MPS) Students