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Danger Dance: Its About Time 2022
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DangerDancePrototype_AIR 2022
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DangerDancePrototype_BUSTER 2022
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DangerDancePrototype_GIZMO 2022

Danger Dance: It’s About Time identifies and examines three “action event” performances from the more than one hundred pieces and more than forty-year choreographic career of Action Architect Elizabeth Streb and her movement company, STREB EXTREME ACTION. In the three works explored, which include BUSTER, AIR, and GIZMO, the unique features and complex relationships amongst the dancers and equipment are highlighted. Through frame-by-frame scrutinization of selected video documented performances, the visualizations identify the characteristics that distinguish STREB’s ‘PopAction’ performances as true danger dances. The near misses, quick twitch maneuvers, extreme speeds, daring heights, and, of course, the equipment are addressed in this triptych-like poster exhibition.